NEWSLETTER (German only)

Through our “ConMendo News”, our electronic newsletter, we regularly share information regarding interesting topics within management consulting. Feel free to read the full articles on various topics.


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Number of the month 03/23

What is the actual gender ratio in Germany? The 2021 figures of all employed men and women in proportion show a female share of 46.9%. This corresponds to the proportion of women in the labour force. In contrast, the proportion…
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Great pleasure: ConMendo has been awarded “Best Consultant” for the third time in a row by the magazine brand eins in cooperation with Statista – in three categories at once!

folder_openNews, Team
Resources” and the award in the area of “Digitalisation” once again confirm that our expertise hits the mark with our clients. Transformations – thought holistically – are close to our hearts. We think in a customer-centric way and provide support…
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Number of the month 02/23

56.4% of respondents agree that social recruiting via Facebook, Twitter, Instagram or similar will be the trend in HR marketing in the next twelve months, according to the Index Recruiting Report 2022. However, only 15.7% of job placements are due…
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#transforwärts 2023

folder_openNews, Team
#transforwärts 2023 “Transforwärts 2023” – This was the motto of our ConMendo kick-off last week. And in a special setting: We were guests of the Freeters in Bonn and experienced from an artistic perspective what transformation can also be. In…
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Driving Impact – Impact Book #2

The very latest: What we think and what drives us. With the 2nd edition of our Impact Book we continue the series of our view on transformation. Order your printed version!Take a look at our Impact Book #1 “10 years…
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Will (retail-)banks keep up with banking?

It is well known that the banking industry is dealing with major challenges. The origins are often believed to be related to the external environment of banks. Especially innovative banking technologies have changed the financial sector in recent years: Smart…
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Digitale Baufinanzierung auf dem Vormarsch

Jamin, G./Weindel, C. die bank, 9, S. 74-77, 2017

Können Anleger von Schwarmintelligenz profitieren?

Defren, T./Jamin, G., Fonds Online Professionell, Januar 2016

Neue Anlagekonzepte dank der Weisheit der Masse

Defren, T./Jamin, G./Zieger, M. die bank, 3, S. 8-12, 2016

Crowdlending-Plattformen – Funktionsweise, Arten und Bewertung

Jamin, G.,WiSt – Wirtschaftswissenschaftliches Studium, April 2015

Konstitutive Entscheidungen für ein internationales HR-SSC

Herausgeberband „Management internationaler HR Shared Service Center“ im SpringerGabler Verlag, Dezember 2016

Zeit für Bewegung – Wie Sie Strukturen, Prozesse und Systeme des Entsendungsmanagements optimieren

Lars Putzer, Tobias Kühr, Februar 2015

Die „ideale“ Firmenkundenbank

Jamin, G./König, E. (2014), BankInformation, September 2014.

HR führt Regie
Jasper zu Putlitz / Asmus Komm / Lars Putzer, September 2007

So funktioniert Führungskräfteentwicklung.

Asmus Komm, Lars Putzer, Nils Cornelissen, Juni 2007
