The ConMendo-Team

Our consultants understand the dynamics and functioning of medium-sized companies as well as large corporates. They adapt their approach to the specific circumstances of each client’s requirements and needs. We believe that a realistic strategy functioning to 80 per cent ensures better outcomes than an unrealistic 100 per cent theory.

The dual approach of our consulting expertise helps our clients in two ways: on the one hand, they benefit from many best-practice examples, and on the other hand, they can rely on a very professional approach and decision-making at the highest management level thanks to the many years of professional experience of our team.

Selected consultant profiles

Chantee Acevedo

Engagement Manager

Theresa Broska

Project Manager

Christian Kühner

Managing Director

Sebastian Ott

Engagement Manager – Digital Excellence

Lars Putzer

Managing Partner

Regina Rieger

Engagement Manager

Maximilian Reichert

Client Director

Alexandra Schwenke

Engagement Manager

Himanshu Sharma

Engagement Manager – Digital Excellence

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